What’s New for Today

  1. Kubernetes
    • kubernetes_autoscaling
      • kubernetes auto scaling
        • cluster level autoscaling
        • pod level autoscaling
          • horizontal pod autoscaler
          • vertical pod autoscaler
  2. 인적성
    • LGCNS
      • 실전 모의고사 3회
  3. Algorithm
    • 삼성 코테 준비
      • 3190.
        • implementation
        • key point: keep the snake positions in a list
      • 13458
        • implementation
        • key point: iteration using mathematics
      • 14499
        • implementation
        • key point: think 3d -> 2d
      • 14500
        • implementation, dfs
        • key point: find characteristic of tetromino
      • 14501
        • dp
        • key point: keep max_results as variable
  4. CS



